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The Criminal Prosecution Division reviews and prosecutes felony and misdemeanor crimes submitted by the 卡森城 治安官办公室, 内华达公路巡逻队, and other law enforcement agencies. Five criminal prosecutors handle a wide variety of criminal cases in the Justice and District 法院 of 卡森城, 包括酒后驾车, 家庭暴力, 入室盗窃, 盗窃, Sale of Controlled Substances, 抢劫, 性侵犯和谋杀. The 刑事部门 includes the Juvenile Crimes Division.
The 民事法庭 provides legal counsel and representation to all 卡森城 elected and appointed officials, every City department and their respective managerial directors and staff, 还有很多板, commissions and committees that are required or authorized to be established pursuant to state law or local ordinance. As a consolidated municipality, 卡森城 is a unique form of government with legal and statutory duties and obligations that are common to both cities and counties. The 民事法庭 functions as general counsel for the City to ensure compliance with those requirements while also safeguarding the rights and interests of the City and its residents.
Zoom Link for Sunday 10 a.m. 保释听证会
If you experience difficulty logging in please contact Suzanne Crawford at SCrawford@my125cb.com
885 East Musser Street, Suite 2030